Taking a Step Back

So you might have come here looking for a magician (and you found one) but if you were looking to hire a magician, I’m not the one.

For the last couple of years I’ve been having trouble with my health which has put me on indefinite sick leave from work, and whilst I can still perform like I used to I require a kind of entourage with the knowledge to assist should things go sideways for me. This has made doing paid gigs a pretty much impossible feat but I can still perform with the clubs I’m in, since I’ll have a number of friends backstage to keep an eye on me, and occasionally I join in on the Bifrost Cabaret at Nineworlds, again because they have a super attentive backstage crew.

One day it might be nice to host my own show, since I could bring a crew with me in case it all goes pear shaped, but that’s a task for the future.

For now this blog is here to share my thoughts on various magical matters, and the world in general. maybe one day I’ll even have tricks to release. Who knows?