Returning from Hiatus
or Did I leave the oven on?

It’s been a while since I posted here. You may have thought I was dead, a few times I thought I wasn’t far off, but I made it through in the end.

I’ve been through some personal changes, we’ve all been through a global coronavirus epidemic, and for a while keeping a magic blog seemed a little pointless in the grand scheme of things.

But now I’m vaccinated¹ and things are beginning to tend towards normality I’ve once again learned an important lesson: pointless bullshit is the only thing that makes life worth living.

Over the lockdown here in the UK I have been industriously catching up on anime and sitcoms, playing lots of videogames and writing down ridiculous ideas for magic tricks. Preposterous ideas. Off the fucking wall, unworkable, nonsense. Its been great. I have many failed experiments in home made Robert-Houdin style inexhaustible bottles and origami misers dreams. I’ve also been writing a book which I need to figure out how to sell if I ever finish it².

I probably would have developed a lot more had my 3D printer not spent most of 2020 repurposed for the task of making face shields for local healthcare workers.

Anyway my slow adjustment back into the magic world and all the shenanigans that entails made me realise that this blog was still here and the last 3 posts on it were all about the ins and outs of the Magic Circle, a club which I quite like being a member of, and I wanted to check that I hadn’t said anything too private or inflammatory that might get me thrown out. I think I’m safe on that count and whilst the past year has brought further bizarre bureaucratic reshuffling to the club, it’s all been so confusing³ that I don’t feel like I’m in a position to comment on it.

But when I logged back in to the admin side I realised I had left it halfway through writing a pretty good article and remembered I had at least 2 unused ideas for more and thought it was time I came back to the fray.

Kind of like going home early because you left the oven on and don’t want to burn your house down, but upon getting back you decide that actually it’s nice and warm and whilst it would have been just fine, it seems a shame not to make a nice roast dinner now you’re here in the kitchen.

That said, just dropping a big post apropos of nothing after more than a year away felt a little sudden and slightly absurd so I wanted to ease back into it with this little re-welcome. With any luck, this time next year I’ll have a book out and a connection to that upper echelon of the magic community I mentioned in a post many moons ago.

And maybe, just maybe, when all that comes to pass, people will actually read my blog!

¹ If you bristle at the notion of vaccines or indeed have already started to roll your eyes at me for thinking the coronavirus is real and not a mass conspiracy by lizard people working with Bill Gates to implant people with 5G microchips and track your movements ready for the great reset, all I can say is please call down Susan; you’re causing a scene. We’ve all read your blog and this is why we done phone anymore.

² No capitalism didn’t get me, my wife insists I don’t just give it away for free. Also there is a sizeable quantity of research suggesting that people place more value on information they had to pay for.

³ I didn’t think it could get any weirder than the whole Nandosgate incident but I was vastly incorrect by an order of magnitude.